Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dewing the Dew in School

Do you want to hear another story of anti-soda elitism?  Of course you do.  Well, in Florida an elementary school made headlines for serving students Mountain Dew before state exams.  A grandmother found out and went on the war path.

2011 Mountain Dew Pitch Black
Too bad the grandmother didn't sip a little Mountain Dew to help her own critical thought.  Turns out the practice had occurred for the past ten years, based on empirical research that kids test better when their energy isn't low.  So the school had always offered trail mix and a small Dixie sized cup of Mountain Dew before the tests.  No kid had to drink it; it was just an offer.  (And by the way, the school had been having some of the highest test scores county.)  But it's wasn't enough to appease to sugar-phobic grandmother.  Thanks to her, kids can have trail mix before tests, but they can only wash it down with water.  Thanks a bunch, Gram.

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