Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Godless Pledge Can

Here's an interesting meme floating around the internet.  Pepsi supposedly is releasing patriotic cans that have images of New York City on them with the Pledge of Alligeance but omits the words "Under God".  Well guess what?  It's not true.

Wild Cherry Pepsi 2013
But it wouldn't bother me if it was true.  Mainly because Pepsi hasn't release a patriotic can in a while.  (Unless you count Beyonce as patriotic as part of the Super Bowl, which I don't.) Secondly, if they did release one, and it did omit the words, and a real bruhaha erupted, they would reprint the can, making the first one a valuable collectors item.  See, I don't care about religion or the country; I just want to collect cool cans in my basement.

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