Saturday, March 15, 2014

Can Draft and Coca-Cola Slogans Number 5

Can Draft pick number 5!

1986 Mickey's ToonTown Coca-Cola Can
To our sensitive modern ears, the slogans for Coca-Cola certainly seemed to be on the down slide starting in 1905.  Interestingly, it didn't get any better until 1917.  Yes, Coca-Cola was known as "The Great National Temperance Beverage" for eleven years!  And even that was three years before the 18th Amendment making Temperance an enshrined Constitutional ideal.  So what did Coca-Cola's slogan change to after being known as the non-alcoholic drink of choice?

1917:  Three Million a Day

Ah, so now Coca-Cola is giving us some numbers to justify why it's such a great American drink. It reminds me of the numbers McDonald's touts. Certainly, the slogan "Three Million a Day" is several pegs above the old slogan.  Of course, again imagining the slogan in the modern world, a measly three million a day would make Coca-Cola a type of niche hipster drink.  But it must have seen staggeringly large to a lad in 1917.

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