Saturday, March 16, 2013

Clinton, Grand Juries, and a Diet Coke

Remember when I shared that Andy Warhol quote about Coca-Cola?  How Coke is great because everyone from the bum on the street to the President of the United States drinks Coca-Cola and all of the Cokes are good and everyone knows it?  Well, this scene percolated into my recollection when President Clinton was caught up in his Monica Lewinsky scandal.  During his grand jury testimony, captured on video, President Clinton pauses and takes a swig from a silver can of Diet Coke.  It's right there on the 6:30 mark.  What does this teach us?  That even if you, the President of the United States, are under pressure, having a rough time, trying to forget about blue dresses, wincing at knowing your wife is only standing by because she has political aspirations of her own by carpetbagging New York, and are laboriously working out crafty linguistic arguments about the nature of the word "is", you too can still have refreshment from Coca-Cola.  Amazing.

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