Monday, March 4, 2013

No Crystal Clear Can? Blame the Commercial

Since I blogged about the Crystal Clear Pepsi cans I don't have yesterday, I thought it would be spiffy to locate a Crystal Clear Pepsi commercial to post.  On youtube, that wonderful collective attic of film, I located one.  For those of you who don't have thirty seconds to waste on advertising for a product that no longer exists, here is a quick play by play of its awesomeness.

We see the bold statement that "RIGHT NOW SOMEONE IS TRYING CRYSTAL CLEAR PEPSI" along with a face of Caucasian a person (clear, right?) taking a sip of a clear liquid....this person's pupil dilates (presumably) because of it's incredible taste...(get it? the eye goes crazy because this product is something you can really "see")...we see flashes of lightening showing how the flavor "strikes"...cut to a clear liquid being poured to form into a Crystal Clear Pepsi Bottle...a row of dominoes fall upwards in a line (I always associate soft drinks with dominoes so this was a good move by Pepsi)...words float through the a man in a red Speedo is flying/diving through the sky and fluffy white clouds...more words...we see a lady dressed in white sitting on a white chair enjoying Crystal Clear Pepsi...the lucky wench...and then we see bottles of Crystal Clear Pepsi relaxing at the bottom of a tub of's like, dude, there is nothing in the bottle at all!  And yet the commercial just told me there really is!  Whoa.  How could not enough people be interested?  I mean, like I said, dominoes make me want soft drinks, but flying guys in Speedos seals the deal.  But, as always, I guess I'm an outlier.  So sad.

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