Sunday, March 3, 2013

Crystal Clear Pepsi

I recall playing Legos, trains, and board games on the bedroom floor of my best friend's house when I first heard about Crystal Clear Pepsi.  My friend just came back from a trip where he also heard the news, and he was now sharing it with me.  Needless to say, I was intrigued, even though this was decades before my can collecting days.  I waited, I watched for it, I was patient, I was devote.  And then it came.  December 14th, 1992. We bought it in two liters as a family for my birthday the next month, and I got a great kick out of it.  Then, one day, I realized it was gone.  I asked my mother to buy it and it could no longer be found in the stores.  A tragedy!  I always wondered why they retired it or why they didn't bring it back.  Well, I looked it up and apparently, it was a trend in the early nineties for all things to be "clear." (Think dish soaps and even beer!)  It was a health image thing, really.  So beyond the fact I guess since it didn't sell well long term, there is no real reason to bring it back since Americans aren't too gaga over clear things anymore anyways.

Crystal Clear Pepsi in a Can
How many of these are left in the world?
As a seasoned soda can collector of two weeks now, I looked back and wonder if the product was offered in a can.  I imagined it would be, but it does seem silly in a way since most people don't look at the soda they are drinking from a can anyway.  No matter.  They did made it in cans.  And oh, how I wish I had a Crystal Clear Pepsi can for my collection now.

Note:  While Crystal Clear Pepsi was released in December of 1992, Diet Crystal Clear Pepsi was not released until the April of the following year.

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